
From To What
9:00 9:30 General introduction to GIS in R
9:30 10:15 Setting up the Spatial toolchain + programming problems
10:15 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 11:45 Vector spatial data basics
11:45 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 14:15 Raster spatial data basics
14:15 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 15:30 Paleogeographic reconstruction - gplates, rgplates
15:30 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 17:30 Paleogeographic reconstructions continued

The R-markdown

Rendering the .Rmd file
  • Option 1: Open the Rmd file in RStudio and click on the knit button in the grahical interface
  • Option 2: Open an R console and run this:
# if you do not have rmarkdown:
# install.packages("rmarkdown")

# once you have it installed
rmarkdown::render(file.path(path_to_dir, "0_rmarkdown_template.Rmd"))

… where path_to_dir is the path to the directory where you put the .Rmd file (either relative or absolute path). You can set the output field in the front matter to either pdf_document or html_document. Note that you might be required to install some additional tools to build these files.


Required packages

Attaching R packages from variables
onePackage <- c("terra")
library(onePackage, character.only=TRUE)

Vector information (object view)

Example Data
Example Code

Raster information (field view)

Example Data
Example Code


rgplates R package